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1、“The fish is my friend too,” he said aloud. “ I have never seen or heard of such a fish. But I must kill him. I am glad we do not have to try to kill the stars.” “这鱼是我的朋友,”他大声地说。“我从来没有见过或听说过这样的鱼。但我必须杀了他。我很高兴,我们不必去捕杀星星。”

2、IV. Or picture the unlighted house, empty at fall of night. 第四,无爱的生物就像一间没有光亮的屋子,在秋天的夜色中空荡荡的。


4、Describe the solitude of autumn more, it seems that the wind becomes absurd document intended to rise to, are they just cool and the curtain fall? 描写秋天的寂寥多了,似乎笔风也变得荒意衍生了,难道秋天便只是冷却和落幕?

5、Autumn leaves that are golden today are often gone tomorrow. 秋天的叶子今天还是金黄,明天可能就凋落了。

6、there is a breath of autumn in the air today. xx月的天气确实像秋天了。

7、Everyone can make you smile。Many people can make you cry。But it takes someone really special to make you smile with tears in your eyes。

8、点赞、关注我 现代青少儿英语,及时获取最新少儿英语知识、启蒙、英语进阶干货。

9、In autumn, most flowers have lost their former glory, the petals have fallen, and the variety of chrysanthemum is in the limelight, decorate the city, beautify the environment.


11、Fall illustration and writing activity. 图释秋天及书写练习。

12、xxxToday, right now, is a wonderful day, xxx says computer scientist Pausch, here with son Logan, 3, last fall. “此刻的今天真是美妙的一天”去年秋天,与xx岁的儿子洛根一起嬉戏的计算机专家Pausch说道。

13、走进秋天,凝望那一泓碧水,山云树,会重叠了你的身影。 into the fall, staring at a blue, yama buki, will overlap your figure.

14、The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

15、The cool night time, will cover the quilt, but during the day but still very hot. 秋凉的时候,夜里要盖被子了,可是白天却依然很热。

16、Fall girl marched slowly toward the pace of nature, she was like a magician, put into a colorful autumn leaves. 秋姑娘迈着姗姗步伐走向大自然,她像一位魔术师,把秋天的叶子变成了五颜六色。

17、Sometimes think that you and I,too,are nothing more than red orbital。

18、The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.

19、Medicinal herb rhymes describe the appearance and properties of the medicinal herbs and their effect in curing diseases, keeping fit and prolonging life. 咏药诗是古代咏物诗的一类,它以描写药物的形态、特性,吟咏中药给人类带来的祛病健身、延年益寿的功用为主题。

20、Qishuang autumn sky, climate is dry, the elderly in the autumn to early to bed and early to rise. 秋季天高气爽,气候干燥,老年人在秋天要早睡早起。


21、The fallen leaves of the north, rendering a how tragic atmosphere. 北国的落叶,渲染出一派多么悲壮的气氛。


23、Look, the apples are all laughing red, like thanking Aunt Qiu for making them mature、

24、the weather in september was positively autumnal. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

25、The autumn girl writes a letter to me, She tells me:it is cold now, Make it sure you keep yourself warm. 秋姑娘给我写信了,她告诉我:天气冷了,要注意保暖哦。

26、And in this period, very ErShe, qin rise of writing a day off days Qiang differences of the spring and autumn period and the stage is. 而在这时期,很上升贰拾万,秦天就写一段关天沈蔷分歧春秋阶段的事。


28、do not know when, you fall softly on my red sweater, you put a flower as I have it不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗?

29、Phonological description only deals with paradigmatic relations, leaving syntagmatic relations out of consideration. 音位描写仅仅描写聚合关系,而没有考虑组合关系。

30、We are not wrong,is young ruined promises。

31、Eg. The book was written by Mr. Liang Shiqiu. 这本书是梁实秋先生写的。


33、the leaves turn to yellow and become fall from the tree.叶子逐渐变黄,慢慢从树

34、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool.

35、Autumn rain, the weather cool day by day. 秋雨绵绵,天气一天比一天凉爽。

36、Do not need better than it is now just now so good。


38、In the fall, I like to watch the leaves falling from the trees. 秋天里了,我喜欢看到叶子从树上落下来。

39、A poem is never finished, only abandoned. ---- Paul Valery (1871-1945) 世上没有写完的诗,只有停写的诗。 ——保罗·法勒里(1871-1945)

40、They spent two weekends this fall, repairing homes in Jonesville, Virginia. 今年秋天,他们花了2个周末修缮在弗吉尼亚Jonesvilles的房子。


41、Unless loess bones,I keep you years of worry。

42、It reminds me of a colourful depiction of the poetry of willow: jasper makeup into a tree height, ten thousand lop green silk sash. 这让我想起一首描写柳树的诗词:碧玉妆成一树高,万条垂下绿丝绦。

43、“I know now it takes many, many years to write a river,” the poet wrote, “a twist of water asking a question.” 这位诗人写道:xxx我现在知道描写一条河需要很多、很多年,每一道河湾都是一个问号。xxx

44、Four new species of the genus Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from Guangxi, China are described and illustrated. 描述了广西秋海棠属(秋海棠科) 的侧膜胎座组和秋海棠组4新种。

45、Tang's mood using music by Youyuan study on three, shows Wang Chuan on the autumnal Zhongnanshan description, showing the mountain springs of the deep space conception. 乐曲运用唐诗的意境,通过幽远的箫声,展示了王维对终南山辋川秋景的描写,表现了空山清泉的深邃意境。

46、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.

47、He liked sightseeing . When he met across good scenery, he wrote it down. So in his life . 他一生喜好游览,每遇胜景皆有题咏,写下大量描绘祖国山河、形象生动、风格遒劲的山水诗。

48、You never see my loneliest time appearance,because only you’re not here with me,I only then loneliest。

49、The autumns in Beijing are very beautiful. 北京的秋天都很美。

50、I must hold his pain where it is, he thought. Mine does not matter. I can control mine. But his pain could drive him mad. 我一定要把握住他伤口所在之处,他想。我的伤口不是问题,我可以控制住自己,但是他的伤口会让他发怒,失去理智。

51、Farmers has harvest and all celebrate the great god.农民获得了丰收,感恩着上苍的眷顾。

52、Aristotle's link does not make it clear, but the part you quoted is a poetic description, typeset cursive in the printed version, and those are notoriously difficult to understand. Aristotle的链接不能说明问题,但你引用的是一段充满诗意的描写,印刷版本中,排版为手写体,出了名的难懂。

53、It is alright for you to feel wronged or have a good cry,but you should not let others see your weakness。

54、Because of the influence of Dark Learning, at that time, the realm of Taoism was embodied with sweeping and vague symbolization in the description of hills and rivers. 由于玄学的影响,此时的山水描写多用浑融之象体现“道”的境界,但也有少数诗文开始尝试对山水的具象描摹。


56、Autumn, , banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief. 秋天,榕树一些叶子变黄了,秋婆婆深深地吹了一口气。

57、So happy to get separated,also glad that they are very powerful。

58、Welcome, winter. Your late dawns and chilled breath make me lazy, but I love you nonetheless.

59、Autumn was getting hold of the old oak-tree, its leaves were browning.

60、Now I must convince him and then I must kill him. 此刻我必须使他信服,然后我定杀了他。


61、Summer-born children are considerably less likely to attend top universities than pupils with autumn birthdays, according to research published today. 今天公布的一项研究显示,比起秋天出生的孩子,夏天出生的孩子考上顶尖大学的概率要小得多。

62、Autumn came with the voice of the fallen leaves, as fresh as dew in the morning. 秋天带着落叶的声音来了,早晨像露珠一样新鲜。

63、Autumn, is a harvest day, autumn, of course, is the most common fruit, orchard fruit of joy, the joy of exposing their harvest. 秋日,是一个丰收的日子,秋天里,最常见当然是水果,果园里果农的欢乐,暴露了他们丰收的喜悦。

64、Old Summer Palace makes the scenery mostly is the famous poem celebrated work description ideal condition and the famous painterxxxs landscape painting reappearance;xxx 圆明园造景大多是名诗名作描写的意境和著名画家的山水画的再现;

65、Learn how to fill your fall cornucopia centerpiece or horn of plenty in this free craft video. 了解如何填写这个免费视频的秋天聚宝盆工艺的核心或大量号角。

66、Autumn quietly came, walked with light steps, with the harvest of hope and joy. 秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。

67、I think the most beautiful season in a year is autumn.

68、The arrival of autumn, so that fruit trees mature. Look, they're laughing apple red, like in autumn aunt let them mature thanks.

69、In autumn, some emotions, such as fallen leaves as they decline, some have lingering shadow, only in the virtual network is indistinct in the familiar names. It withered on the decline,ashes are also good, regardleof the feelings of like how the leaves like a tree in full bloom and how to decline. I was standing on the flow of time, laughing, even if the sky flying leaves, eventually covering the lives of desolation.

70、Advice is like the snow. The softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon and the deeper it sinks into the mind.——Samuel Taylor Coleridge

71、Autumn has arrived, and will fall Kapok fluff and seeds. 秋天来临了,会落下木棉花的绒毛和种子。


73、Like an open sketchbook focused on my Dreams, this land is forever pictured as a comforting Autumn Dusk. 像于我的梦想集中的一个开放写生簿,这土地永远被生动描述作为一个安慰的秋天黄昏。

74、A deer casts its horn in autumn. 鹿在秋天脱落的角。

75、High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth Pangu also; days as blue, as if there was the artist painted in the sky blue pigment.

76、She is not even in his world but in her world he is the only one。Fair does not exist in this world。

77、You would not want for a friend as long as I draw breath。

78、I must save all my strength now. Christ, I did not know he was so big.

79、Starting today,every smile,the world in addition to the dead,are is too small。

80、The golden autumn, the sky like a piece of earth sapphire, it has been autumn wipe very clean and beautiful.