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1、A gentleman's acquaintance is as light as water, and a villain's acquaintance is as sweet as lick.

2、Never give up on something you really want. Remember: it’s difficult towait but more difficult to regret!



5、Every dog in the world provokes himself. It's a whisper to have no regrets.

6、I want to talk with you about a love without breaking up.

7、Intelligence is like anunderwear. It is important that you have it, but not necessary that you show it off.

8、You don’t love someone because of their looks or their clothes or theircar. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.

9、" 梵 高 的 向 日 葵 、我 的 雏 菊 。

10、Holding your hand feels like coming home.握着你的手,感觉就像回家一样。

11、The person who can make you live like yourself is the one who loves you most and you love the most.

12、What I want is simple, time is still there, you are still there.

13、I like you. This is my disaster.


15、Just because I saw you more in the crowd, my whole life fell into your eyes.




19、A marvelous lover is loved by his better-half for the whole life, and he also loves his better-half for the whole life too!一流的爱人,既能让一个女人爱一辈子,又能一辈子爱一个女人!

20、I trust the people who teach me not to trust anyone.我最信任的人 教会了我 不要相信任何人.

21、I dont want you to like me, I want you to love me.

22、Miss you, every smile.


24、Let not forget, but eliminate.


26、My heart has always stayed with your heart.

27、No matter when U start,you do not stop after starting. No matter when U end, you do not regret afterended.

28、There is no one else in sight, and you are everywhere.

29、Loves fairy tale book, read for you every night.


31、Love your day, special happiness.
